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BTS – FIRE | B4Dancing Kpop Dance Cover

14. September, 2021

This BTS Fire kpop dance cover video is one of my entries for the K-Pop World Festival 2021! It’s my first time competing in this huge global kpop cover dance contest! I feel super lucky and grateful that I won first place in the auditions in Hamburg. I was beyond nervous when they released the 2 hour long announcement video showing all the videos and the reactions from the jury. I can’t remember my heart beating this fast ever! I was so happy and relieved and extremely positively surprised that the Jury, Driton Veliu (insta @driton_dance), Norman Müller and Beomseok Jeong (insta, reacted so super excited and that they had so much fun watching my videos! This was the first round and now it’s going to get even tougher. It’s not in my hand anymore, all I can do is wait and hope. Let’s hope for the best.